söndag 31 maj 2009

Grand opening SCUM blog.

I'm not going to deny this will be awfuly similar to Aquilonian Informer, but that's besides the fact. I will provide you one-sided views of opinions from perspective of SCUM, we will shame you, we will gank you, we will talk about how pathetic people can act in this marvelous fantasy world of Age of Conan, most important of all, i will provide you raw opinions and facts that most people usually don't see. You will be able to try to shame us without getting moderated, even banned. Most important of all, there will be no subtlety on my behalf, i joined SCUM half a year ago, and don't have any regrets about it, although i am not old time scum i see what scum is about and what is the rest of community about and the big picture is.... well, enemy of your enemy is my enemy, basicaly we kill everyone and noone likes it.
My main focus this month will be on how bad Empire is at pvp and the sacred duel ground.

4 kommentarer:

  1. What Galadh said :)

    (except for the cunt bit maybe)


    - Bestest M aka. Meos, N00b, troll and a general asshole...

  3. Mogi..... Why the fuck this thing is in German?

  4. Looks swedish here..
    English please?
